in between

Youngest of Pieces: Five Becomes One (13)
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“I cannot believe you said such a thing,” Hannah says with a whine. She is holding the phone in front of her while playing with Tiger with her other hand.

“Haven’t you been reading the comments, Nabi? Your fans know all about it already, how innocent and naïve you are,” Jonghyun tells her on the line. He had mentioned on his radio that Hannah is the kind of person who could receive a love confession and not know it, even telling his guest during their conversation that being direct when expressing yourself is important if you want to be understood. Hannah had gotten quite the surprise when she found out about it, again asking why he would mention her on radio. Fans have commented positively on it though, writing that Jonghyun probably confessed several times to Hannah without her knowing (which Hannah knows is not true, she cannot recall anything like that) and finding it cute that Jonghyun talks about his love on radio. Hannah is the embarrassed one, as she always is when hearing him talk about her on his radio.

She bites her lip to hold back a smile at what he said. “It sounds like a good thing if you say it that way,” she comments on his tone when saying she is innocent and naïve.

“I wouldn’t say it is a good thing, just that it is one of your charming sides,” Jonghyun answers, his smile heard when he talks. “Ah, we are about to continue, so I have to go. Nabi, you’ll be at the apartment when my radio ends, right?”

“I don’t know…”

“What’s that supposed to mean,” he sighs.

“Doojoon has invited me out for drinks,” she happily answers. “Some of us are meeting up later.” It has been ages since she met the members of B2ST – no longer called B2ST. Julia had asked her earlier if she wanted to come along but it was Doojoon who convinced her, as he texted when hearing she was not coming. There is a muttering on the line.

“Why would he ask you out, as if it is a date,” Jonghyun mutters with a dark tone. “You better watch out with the alcohol.”

That tone of his makes her laugh, acting as if he is jealous. She just agrees with him though, knowing he must go but after hanging up she is smiling widely. He sends a text message just a few minutes later, reminding her to let him know when she leaves, who will be there and when she is going home. Jonghyun came back to Korea today, leaving tomorrow evening again and while he has been busy working during the day Hannah has been going to the gym and relaxing. Most her friends are at another award show, including the members of her group. Hannah keeps playing with Tiger. She had decided to not watch the award show because she will just long to be on stage with the rest of them, yet she keeps herself updated through her phone on who is winning awards and how the performances are.

In the middle of the award show, she receives a text message. ‘have you eaten?’ it is written from Doojoon. She writes back that she ate two hours ago, and barely a minute after sending it, she receives a call from him. Turns out that Key has finished his schedule for the day and is asking them to go out and eat, but Junhyung is busy and Julia is at the award show (that’s the group of friends going out for drinks later) so since Hannah isn’t busy, he asks if she wants to come earlier and have dinner. At first she isn’t sure what to answer, thinking that Julia might get upset if she goes first, but hearing Doojoon say he can come pick her up wherever she is so they can go together, she ends up saying she will come.

With Tiger running around after her as usual, Hannah gets ready. In jeans, a cardigan with pockets and buttons to a tank top she feels black-dressed as always. The cardigan is Jonghyun’s, but he said she can borrow his things if she misses him (a good excuse, she just wants to borrow the cardigan because it is cosy). Jacket, scarf, boots and a bag, then she picks Tiger up for a kiss, puts down the cat and is out the apartment to not let Doojoon wait when he arrives.

There is no one outside the building waiting for her, so Hannah stands there for a few minutes, checking her phone and wondering if he can find it. He should because he got the address from her but she still wonders if he has gotten lost.

A black car with tinted windows drive up in front of her. It is awkward, Hannah thinks, as she can’t see the driver and therefore not be sure who is in it. The driver honks the horn, maybe seeing her hesitation, and Hannah walks up to the passenger seat. It is Doojoon who is driving, smiling handsomely when she opens the door.

“Thought I was a stalker?” he jokes.

“No way,” she shakes her head and takes a seat. “It’s good to see you, Oppa.”

“Same, same,” he happily answers and gives her a glance, at first looking as if he will reach towards her but seeing Hannah put on the seatbelt he holds back; he was about to do it for her if she wasn’t going to do it herself. It was brought up when they were on the phone, whether he can pick her up or not. As idols, it is out of the question. A man and woman alone in the car, just imagine the headlines for that. But Hannah doesn’t care, and Doojoon said that if Jonghyun is alright with it, it’s alright with him. They have known each other for years as colleagues and Hannah thinks they still are; nothing more and nothing less. They aren’t super close or talk often but it’s not awkward between them.

Tall and handsome, that’s two words Hannah would use to describe how Doojoon looks. He has a brotherly feel about him, and at one point Julia used to say he was good as boyfriend material or brother material, depending on whether you wanted to date him or be friends. Maria used to have a crush on how good he looks and Emelia used to go on lunch dates with him. While Hannah thinks Doojoon and Emelia never actually dated, she would get a surprise if she brought it up now and hear that they dated for a few months. Those lunch dates that Emelia proudly used to talk about was actual dates, though she talked so freely and openly about them that it didn’t sound like it. Hannah is still deceived when it comes to that.

“Kibum said he’ll meet us at the restaurant,” Doojoon comments after they have been catching up a bit during the drive. “But I said that if he is five minutes later than the time he said he’ll be there, we’ll start without him.”

Hannah nods next to him, smiling at the thought of Doojoon and Key talking on the phone. It smells man in the car, cologne and something else that she can’t figure out at first. A gym bag, maybe it smells like. She doesn’t say much at all, which is fine because Doojoon does most of the talking. He asks a few questions but other than that, he does the talking.

Even after parking the car, Doojoon is the one talking. He is relaxed, she thinks, seeing him have his hands in his jacket pockets walking next to her and talk as if there is no one on the street. Well, it is quite empty on the street so there can’t be much people taking notice of them. He is covering himself with a mask; Hannah has one too today, her hood up as well.

To their surprise, Key is already at the restaurant. They booked a private section at the restaurant and Key is sitting by the table already, asking if Doojoon and Hannah decided to wear matching outfits today. She is dressed in black (her scarf and mask as well) and Doojoon is also dressed in black, besides from white sneakers. Key felt a cap was enough for him, probably because he has worked in front of the camera today and is wearing makeup he doesn’t feel like hiding.

Just the three of them for dinner. There is a lot to talk about as colleagues, Key working in Japan and Doojoon working hard on a comeback. While eating and talking, they check out how it goes on the award show; mostly Hannah keeps track on it but it is a subject they talk about.

Though it is odd of her to hang out with Key without other members of SHINee, it isn’t as awkward as she imagined it to be. They know each other but Hannah and Key doesn’t talk much with each other in private. She isn’t even sure if she has his phone number. She had texted Jonghyun to let him know she is having dinner with Doojoon and Key. If she had said just Doojoon, she is certain Jonghyun would tell her not to go, but since Key is there as well it seems to not be a problem.

She doesn’t eat much because she has already eaten. Doojoon finishes her food while they are talking about where to go later. Junhyung is on his way and it doesn’t take long until Julia sends a text to ask where they are.

When deciding to leave the restaurant to go to the next place, Hannah and Doojoon are hiding behind their masks again. Hannah follows Key out the door, her hood up to cover herself and just a few steps out she pulls in the hood to cover her face when a couple passes by.

“There is no way anyone will recognize you,” Key points out with a chuckle. “You’re black from top to toe. Just glancing at your eyes won’t give it away.”

“But still,” Hannah starts to say, following him a few more steps as they are waiting for Doojoon to come out too.

“Your husband texted me,” Key comments. He is walking backwards, smiling at her. “He asked me to look out for you tonight. Which, you can only dream of because I am not a babysitter tonight. He might just as well ask Julia.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” Hannah grimaces behind her mask.

She almost gives out a groan when an arm is heavily put around her. “Even when married you’re the baby, is that it?” Doojoon is joking. He had heard a bit of what they were saying. Key laughs at the joke and says that will probably never change.

“I’m not a baby,” Hannah mutters, holding back a whine.

“‘I’m not a baby’,” Key badly imitates her and Doojoon laughs loudly. Doojoon puts his hand on her head, really giving off a big brother feeling while Hannah tries to get away from him.

“Imagine being all old and we still call her a baby,” Doojoon jokes with Key, pointing at Hannah who is frowning at them both. Everyone she knows love to joke around about the nickname her group has given her. She isn’t sure if she should be mad at Maria for always using it or at Emelia who was the one starting to say cry-baby.

She waves at Key and Doojoon to just keep walking, wanting to change the subject so she asks where they are going.

“I like it though,” Doojoon comments as they start walking, “that you’re still called a baby.”

“No one calls me that,” Hannah lies and shakes her head, thinking that since she doesn’t talk to Doojoon often he wouldn’t know.

“Pfft,” Key scoffs at her lie.

“Nice try,” Doojoon laughs and leans forward to look at her. “Lying is bad for your health, baby.”

Key laughs louder then Hannah when Doojoon tries to call her by the nickname, both Key and Hannah tells him it is awful having him say it. It sounds weird and even when repeating it for himself to hear, Hannah tells him to not say it. It’s hilarious; their laughter is probably heard down the street for anyone to hear. Key’s laugh is especially loud.

Julia meets up with them first, loud and cheerful as she comes straight from the crowded backstage of an award show. She greets both Doojoon and Key with hugs, being open and friendly. She is surprisingly energetic, Hannah thinks as she watches her friend ask what they have eaten, where they ate, what they are going to drink and so on. The mood goes up a little bit more with her arrival and Hannah would say they all are just a bit tipsy by the time Junhyung joins in. Though Hannah said she would take it easy and she had planned to not drink more than two ciders, she is holding a shot glass of soju in her hand at midnight. Loudly she cheers with the others before they swallow the contents in their shot glasses. Hannah thinks they are using this as a chance to let out complaints; Key is complaining while drinking, Junhyung and Doojoon are complaining while drinking and Julia too is complaining while drinking. All of them complain about work, about their agencies and comebacks, tours, schedules, about being free and whatnot. Hannah drinks with them but she only nods along to the complaints, just listening to their concerns. Key gets all worked up about something and is sitting with his hand on Junhyung’s shoulder, talking to him while Junhyung looks to be listening to what Julia is saying.

It is fun, even if it is a lot of complaining. Hannah finds herself laughing behind her hand, hiding a bit behind Julia because they start complaining about their friends that didn’t come out to drink with them. It’s hilarious but because they are discussing it so seriously, Hannah hides that she is laughing.

“Oi,” Junhyung suddenly points over the table. Julia looks offended thinking he is talking to her but when he says ‘she is laughing’, Julia looks behind her to see that Hannah is laughing with her whole body.

“Punishment shot!” Key shouts out and stands up to give her a soju bottle. They are all drunk by now and though Hannah shouldn’t probably drink more, she gladly takes two shots in a row and proudly showing the empty glass s if saying she doesn’t mind the punishment. Julia has started to laugh next to her and Hannah cutely starts hugging on to her friend’s arm. She can’t stop laughing.

After another hour, she is leaving. Completely wasted, Hannah had missed two calls from Jonghyun and a few text messages. He wrote that he has come home, asking if she is having fun and such, a bit impatient but she imagines him doing his best to not call more times hoping for her to pick up.

In the taxi heading home, Hannah is giggling looking at her phone. She has covered up again but her world is spinning from the alcohol that she isn’t sure if she asks the driver if he often listens to 5 Pieces’ music or if she does her best to avoid being recognized.

Nearing the apartment, Hannah asks the taxi-driver to stop by the side of the road, paying him and getting out she walks over to the convenience store. She is close to home so she knows where to walk. She buys things she shouldn’t buy, filling the basket as she did when she went here with Jonghyun last time, just adding two bottles of soju to it and when facing the young man behind the counter her eyes are shaped as half-moons from her huge smile. When leaving the store, she gives Jonghyun a call, just to hear someone else’s voice on the line.

“Hello?” Hannah asks with a frown and turns around, as if something behind her will explain why someone else is answering the call.

“Hannah, you home yet?”

“Oppa!” Hannah cheers when recognizing Doojoon’s voice. She laughs and looks at her phone, realising she called the wrong person. She hasn’t talked on the phone since he called her about dinner, which is why she accidentally pressed on his name. “Oppa, sorry, wrong number.”

“Ha, what?” he loudly laughs. They are still out, she can hear the chattering in the background. “You didn’t want to call me?”

“No,” she laughs. “Thank you for tonight, Oppa!”

“Hey, wait, wait,” Doojoon says, the background sound gets distant and he asks if she is home yet.

“No…” Hannah answers, shaking her head and looking around. The fresh air should be sobering her up a bit but she just enjoys the cool night air. “I have a bit further to walk, I guess.”

“Should we stay on the phone until you get inside?”

Brother material, Hannah thinks. She nods her head, thinking that could be a good idea. He asks if she is still there and Hannah nods again before laughing, saying she is nodding. She starts giggling again, finding herself silly for nodding in response to his question, there is no way he could know her answer if she doesn’t say it out loud. There is more laughter coming from her because someone starts singing in Doojoon’s background, he starts singing along and within seconds Hannah is singing on the street. She can’t even remember what song it is, she just goes with the flow.

Even when entering the apartment building does she giggle when saying she has gotten inside now, telling Doojoon when she is waiting for the elevator and laughing when saying she is so drunk that she doesn’t even know what button to press. He laughs in her ear, saying she could give Jonghyun a call to come downstairs for her, but at that time Hannah is already heading up in the elevator. They finish the call, thanking for tonight and Doojoon finally says ‘don’t be a stranger’ before they hang up. She repeats those words, finding them funny.

Leaving the elevator, she is reminding herself of what time it is. Jonghyun could be sleeping. She squats down outside the door to search for her key, even whispering to the door in case Tiger is on the other side to tell the cat to be quiet.

Holding back her laughter for managing to open the door, Hannah sneaks inside he hall. She puts down her things and squeals at the sight of Tiger rolling around on the hall floor.

“Tiger!” she cheers and lies down with a low laughter. She is supposed to take off her shoes but lies on her side to pet Tiger instead. “Be quiet, Tiger. We don’t want to wake anyone, do we?”

She giggles at her own words, telling her cat that they can share the soju she bought, adding that Tiger is not allowed to drink so it will all Hannah’s in the end. The joke she makes herself is why she laughs more, completely unaware of that Jonghyun is standing at the end of the hall and wondering why she is telling Tiger to be quiet when Hannah is the loud one. He watches her for a while, amused at her drunken behaviour and wonderin

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Suuhaanaa #1
Chapter 62: Thank you for the update! I kept coming to this story whenever im bored. Really love your story!
Chapter 61: Just so you know I am re reading everything again from the very beginning and I keep on having the same feelings. Thanks for the update!😊😊😊
Chapter 58: Wow! Thsnk you soooo much for the update. Missed reading this! ♥️
I know that all the restrictions are eased, so why not coming back making new chapters?
It's been 2 and a half years!
Chapter 56: Ahhh, I wish that year 2017 comes to a end and then make 2018 a fresh start of the year!
Would you please update now? I can't stand waiting here...
Chapter 56: Still no updates from you at all, please update now, it's already May.
Chapter 56: It's almost May and I don't see any updates here since last month...
Would you please update?
Chapter 56: Please update soon, please? We've been waiting impatiently here.